Want to make an impact on the boards you serve? Insist on quality board papers. Each board paper must cover the following sections at a minimum: What is the decision at hand? What are the present challenges that the board must meet to discuss and find solutions? Make such an issue top on the board’s agenda. The fewer the items on the agenda, the more effective the board meeting. What are the options do we have? Describe each option fully showing the advantages and disadvantages of each option. The board paper packs must focus on complete but succinct insights about…
Getting the sack, it is yours: covid19 idioms
If you love the language of expressions, look Michael Barton’s book, It Is Raining Cats and Dogs, which has illustrated idioms. All illustrations in this article are extracts from the book by Michael Barton. One of such expressions as, “getting the sack. It is yours”. This means losing your job. In these coronavirus pandemic times, this is a handy expression. Instead of telling someone, you have been terminated. Just tell them, come, and get your sack. Instead of the letter, give them the sack! Then you can reply, “you are pulling my leg”, to mean you are joking. More…
Uganda budget 2020/21: What is in it for you?
Kampala, 11th June 2020: Uganda’s Minister of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED), Hon. Matia Kasaija read the Ugx. 45 trillion national budgets for the FY 2020/21. Every year, the national budget is anchored on a tactical theme. This year’s budget theme is ‘stimulating the economy to safeguard livelihoods, jobs, business, and industrial recovery.‘ Following the coronavirus pandemic that hit the country, and caused a lockdown of more than 70 days, and closure of schools, the economy needs to be stimulated indeed to safeguard livelihoods, jobs, business, and recover the industry. Below are brief highlights of the budget allocations in…
The covid19 pandemic: expect salary cuts and keep your job
It has been reported that Sanyu FM radio station did the unthinkable: it fired all the staff who laid down their tools following a 25% pay cut as a covid19 survival strategy. When your employer is a Forbes listed mogul, it is easy to forget that actual income may fall short of budget. Every employer wants to work with staff who think like the business owner. Unfortunately, most people have different expectations that are not in sync with reality. Many staff may think the company is making a lot of profits, yet in reality, it is making losses. It is…
Wise sayings: the expressive language you must know
Politics is around the corner. I decided to search all my sources for all the wisdom I have learned over the years. If you want to speak to influence and be heard, below are some of the best figurative words to consider adding to your speeches to spice them up. Remember for originality, and to be unique, try first converting them into your local dialect, and then express them in English. You will keep your audience wanting to listen to you for long. That means you will look intelligent and therefore, more votes for you. Ok, here we go: 1.…
Life’s Work: 1 on 1 with Joseph Mutumba, a life changer
Joseph empowers others through teaching. He transforms lives. He took time off his busy schedule to share his life’s work with us. Teaching is one of the noble professions I know of. It is a calling of helping people find their true north – to self-discovery. Teachers are always on the lookout for the small light in people and make it shine – always helping others to excel. Life’s work insights like this provide practical career guidance. They are actual stories of one’s life choices and lessons learned. Many people fear to write their stories because of the lack of…