A white man in Manchester, England had a frank discussion with an African immigrant about economic development and empowerment in Africa. The English guy asked my fellow African: ‘Do you by any chance own land in Africa?’ The brother said yes he owns about 10 hectares in his rural village. “So, why come all the way to England when you have the means of production that can make you very rich?’ The African brother started giving excuses: the land is undeveloped; the land has no borehole; that he doesn’t have agricultural equipment to till the land; the government is not…
Internal audit, CFO, Legal, or IT: which role is the most critical?
Which department or professional is the most critical to the business? Is it Internal audit, finance, legal, or IT? When coronavirus happened, all professionals, but health workers could work without restrictions. Others like finance and procurement professionals continued to work in the background. When it comes to the business, which professional is more important than the other? Is it true to say that health workers are more important than other professionals? Who is who? These kinds of debates help one to remember stories our teachers used to tell us while in primary school. One such story was the monkey and…
It is official: #covid19 is here to stay – so allow places of worship asap
World leaders seem to have accepted the new reality: coronavirus is here to stay just like HIV/AIDS and the earlier we learn to live with it and not without it the better. Today 6th June 2020, the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases stands at 557. A total of 319 are under admission. No death has been reported as yet in Uganda. Despite the increasing number of confirmed cases, governments have continued to ease the lockdown restrictions. As of today, many of the businesses have been allowed to re-open; including manufacturing companies, markets, retail shops, and cars – both private…
Homily for Saturday, Ninth Week in Ordinary Time
2 Tm 4:1-8 Mk 12: 38-44 In the gospel reading, Jesus observes two kinds of gifts being given to the temple treasury. Some put a great deal of money into the treasury. Yet, it was the widow’s gift of two small pennies that caught Jesus’ eye. Even thought her small gift was worth little, it was the most valuable gift of all, because in giving that small sum, she gave her livelihood – she gave her life. Jesus deliberately points her out to his disciples. It is very likely that if Jesus had not pointed out this widow to his…
The changing role of a Chief Finance Officer
If Legal is a key pillar of corporate governance in any institution, Finance is the Ring Beam that holds the entire structure together. Yet, many finance officers continue to occupy the seats at the edges of the high table, instead of centre stage. This has not only alienated the finance function as a support role, instead of a mission-critical one that is given all the resources -in terms of skills and tools – it requires to transform the business or enterprise. In this era of VUCAP – volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, and pandemic, the role of the finance department under…
George Floyd: the man who ignited a revolution with “I can’t breathe” last words
It is never too late to make a difference. After 46 years on earth, the world got to George Floyd in 2020 following his untimely death in the hands of a one, Derek Chauvin, the man who continued to increase pressure on George Floyd’s neck as the victim begged for breath for 8 minutes and 26 seconds. And who would have imagined that a mere black American, a bouncer, would become the face of a revolution and activism against racial injustices not only in America but globally? George Floyd memorial was held on 4th June 2020. It featured great speakers…