Faith is a word we often hear to the extent of reducing it to casual consolation. So what is Faith? Faith has a variety of definitions, one of those being maximum trust in someone or something even when little is known. Faith means strong belief in God, doctrine, religion, spiritual coherence which at times tends to overshadow reality. Faith also refers to a system of religious belief, whether they are facts or theory. Faith means having confidence in what we hope for and the assurance that the Lord is in charge, even when we don’t see it. Faith convinces that…
Dealing With Guilt
What is guilt? We can define guilt as an emotional experience which occurs when a person realizes that he/she has compromised their standards of conduct. This feeling is so disturbing mainly because of being closely related to remorse and shame. When guilt is suffocated, the reverse becomes obvious. Where guilt varnishes, the moral fibre breaks down systematically provoking rottenness from the inside of a person to the point of dismantling integrity. Any person needs to recognize and accept that he/she did something wrong and then confess it. The feeling guilt is a responsible inner bell which warns that something abnormal…
Reliable leadership is all we need
At a certain point in our life, we all have been or can become leaders. In fact, what is not known to many people is that human beings and indeed most mammals are born with hidden leadership qualities. Leadership is an art of motivating a group of people so that they act toward achieving a common goal. When placed in a business setting, leadership means guiding fellow members, workers and colleagues with a set strategy set to meet the organization/company’s needs most especially making a profit and keeping the legacy of the organization. On the other hand, any governance to…
The chief village black magician
Solar is a game-changer. Our mother in the village told me about how local thieves have made her life difficult. They wait for the dark cloud and come to steal. Now all cassava and matooke in the nearby garden at home are gone. They thought for our assistance. We thought of an idea. What if we light up the place at night? Maybe the thieves could fear. When you are a strategist, you keep getting so many ideas until you get that aha moment. So when my wife mentioned about motion sensor lights, it came like a spark. I said…
Some challenges facing the youth today
Youth is the time of one’s life between the age of reason and adulthood. This precious stage of existence is mostly defined by physical appearance, freshness, vigour, spirit and energy. The precise definition of a specific age range varies since the youthful state of life is able to defy chronology depending on opportunities at hand. Youth is an experience that is able to shape one’s levels of maturity depending on traditions and cultural perspectives at hand. What is however generally agreed upon is that youth is generally the age of dependency. Even when one appears big and strong; this individual…
Common challenges facing Parenting today
What is the great strength of our generation? It is the emphasis which we place on families. Keep your families close together and love and honor your children. Today, families are facing unique challenges that were unknown years ago. Let me emphasize common challenges first and then provide direction for parents in navigating the stormy waters created by these issues which include: parenting, marital conflicts, divorce, grieving, out of wedlock pregnancy, emotional and mental stress, substance abuse, addiction, pornography, atheism and eating disorder. Despite differences of race, income, or geographic origin, most families are working toward the same goals which…