Whats is the strategy in your company’s strategic plan Please accept my small challenge: get a copy of your current strategic plan and open a page which states your strategy? What exactly is your company’s strategy? In pandemic times like these, you must urgently shape your future instead of reacting to it. Crafting an organic strategy is key. You must also define a set of capabilities for strategy execution and implementation across the board! Many times leaders define the areas of focus, but rarely specify the capabilities that they need to win and how to configure such capabilities for competitive…
What is a culture audit?
Covid has left a lot of devastation behind. A friend recently told me how they are worried about where to get money for school fees, as children resume school. Some people have lost jobs and others have relatives who have lost everything. If you are thriving during this pandemic, thank your gods. As you thrive, are you indifferent about the people around you? How do you engage with colleagues, neighbours, and all folks around you? Your conduct reflects your value system which is influenced by your culture. Whether at home or business, you must define your culture so that is…
The Uber driver
On 3rd March 2021, I took an Uber Taxi after a long time. I went to a meeting and sent my Assistant who also doubles as my driver on an errand. Meeting ended earlier. I opted for Uber instead of waiting. Uber driver: Thanks for accepting to ride with me. Do you prefer AC on or off? Which do you prefer as your best route? Me: Keep AC on. Let’s use the App directions. Uber driver: Thanks. Me: How are you? How is 2021 taking you? Uber driver: It’s tough. Lots of work. I drive the Uber taxi during the…
Tax owners of tinted cars instead of taxing cash withdrawals
Mustapha on Character
Photograph develops in darkness. So is character. It also develops in darkness. Your challenges. Fears. Worries. Disappointments and problems are the darkness. You build character when you confront challenges and disappointments. People who are used to an easy life of no worries and difficulties tend to lack strong character. However, folks who have been used to a tough life of hassling tend to build a strong character. For example, people in a war zone tend to toughen up to survive. They stop being scared of small things. Imagine witnessing a friend or neighbour die from a gunshot just in front…
Who is your accountability partner?
Are you too good to be great? When you adopt a winning mind focus (WMF) you spark your mind and improve your odds of success. No car inhales its exhaust and goes far. You need fresh air. You need an independent person to look into your plans and challenge you to not just do better but win. Today I received very good news. One of the executives in my Executive Support Program (ESP) just got a letter of offer for a CEO role in one of the most dynamic markets in the region: Kenya. It’s good to help folks succeed.…