Are your staff working as a team or a bunch of individuals? During these times of the pandemic, many institutions have taken drastic measures to reduce operational costs through undertaking projects like strategic redeployment and staff rationalization initiatives to optimize their human capital resources. But cutting costs through staff terminations without a deliberate focus on growing revenues is never a great solution to win. Great leaders focus on growing revenues by challenging the staff to work as a team to explore new opportunities and better ways of delivering value and cross-selling. Then consideration to identify the weak links for re-training…
The three As of digital forensics – acquire, authenticate and analyze.
Cybercrime continues to ravage the world second to the Coronavirus pandemic worsened by the corrupt public officials. Cyberwarfare, cyber weaponry, cyber espionage, cyber identity theft, and cyber privacy breaches, and a plethora of crimes by governments against their citizens and governments against other sovereign states is on the rise by the day. The digital revolution has sparked creativity and innovation by decentralizing broadcasting and or self-publishing rights. If you have anything novel, unique, and interesting, all you need is a basic mobile phone camera to record your act and broadcast to the world via YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or any other…
Do you fulfill your promises? The story of Abraham Lincoln
A (Wo)man and man is as good as their word. They say do not give promises you cannot fulfill. Sometimes in the heat of the excitement, people throw out promises freely only to become prisoners of the same. Talking about keeping promises, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States comes to mind. Below is an extract of one of the stories about keeping promises: “A story is told about Abraham Lincoln that he never indulged in drinking alcohol of any type. Let alone testing it. It is said that once the President was offered a drink by one…
Academics or sportsman? Which career path?
I used to run the 21km half marathon competitively. While in Primary six, I remember winning several of these races in our village during local primary school competitions. But spotting talent and nurturing it is next to impossible especially if you are in a village school without opportunities to partake in the district competitions. Even if one makes it to the district, and wins, getting to the national level, let alone the regional level competitive sports event is not easy. You must be an outlier and also very lucky to get discovered. In the village, the best bet is to…
What does transforming boldly mean to your team?
What is your long-term game? How do you create capabilities for sustainable and business profitable operations to win both in the medium and long-term? Already, margins in businesses are shrinking at a faster rate due to the COVID-19 pandemic and generally poor morale and so much misery. Now is the time to explore how to redefine your business or enterprise to emerge better positioned in the target market and resilient. What is your value creation proposition (strategy) and how to monetize it (business model) today and in the future to win and sustain your market advantages? Given the relentlessness of…
Envision the future one year from now
2020 is finally coming to an end. One of the top entrepreneurs in the world, Jack Ma, is quoted to have said that “your biggest profit this year is completing the year 2020 alive.” He is spot on. So many people have died during the first half of December 2020. Rule number one is to stay alive. With life, you can dare to dream. It does not matter how much money you may have in the bank account, if life is leaving you or you are too weak to mind about it anymore, the bank balance is useless. This year…