The discipline to win during a pandemic.

Winners are disciplined. When one has self-drive, ambition and consistency they are unstoppable. During these tough times, every leader needs a circle of friends

Winners are disciplined. When one has self-drive, ambition and consistency they are unstoppable. During these tough times, every leader needs a circle of friends or co-workers who are full of positive energy and the determination to win.

The priority is to put money on the table.

The second is to put money on the table.

When there is money on the table or in the bank account, you become confident. Motivational speakers may give you false confidence of shouting on top of your voice while looking at yourself in the mirror every morning as a confidence booster. That is a lie. Focus on massive action towards your goals. The action will get you opportunities. If you tap into them, you will make some money. Cash flow is what you need to become confident and win.

No money, not confidence. Money is good when you have earned it. And that is what makes some of us wake up early to look for opportunities. There is a self of fulfilment one gets when they respond to a proposal and win without any influence.

How do you put money on the table?

  1. Start by setting a revenue target or objective to attain. For example, it could be to generate Ugx. 2m monthly.
  2. The next phase is to specify the target market niche you plan to reach to generate the money. And then the products and services you plan to sell. E.g. Target government employees at the Ministry of Health. Sell them fresh fruits or opportunity to make orders and I deliver to their offices or their homes instantly.
  3. Then specify the activities you will undertake to make your target a reality. I encourage you to have both internal focus and external focus activities. Marketing activities are an external focus. And administration or keeping the house in order activities are generally internal focus activities. To win, you must balance the two. It is not a good idea to have some people focus 100% on internal and others 100% on external. Doing so makes some people get out of touch with reality. However, if you allocate 30%/70% of your time, depending on your primary roles, you increase your odds of winning. For example, a marketing and sales staff could allocate 70% of their days to external and only 30% to internal. And an admin staff could allocate 30% of their time to external focus and 70% to internal.
  4. List your internal focus activities and external focus activities. It is a good idea to define your daily routine, as that becomes your habits which influence your behaviour. Winning habits will make you a fortune.

Wish you success.

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, Mr Strategy 2021. All rights reserved.

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