Do not get ready. Stay ready. Automate your risk management, strategy execution, and performance management system to gain a distinctive advantage. actionTEAM is a Governance, Risk, and Compliance software that gives you the skills to quickly identify, prioritize, and manage top business risks proactively affecting your business. Whether you are a seasoned risk expert or a novice, our risk software will transform your risk management processes to win. The software contains three modules to transform your risk management processes for governance effectiveness in the areas of strategy execution, risk management, and compliance management. The system comes with two tools: Tool…
The secure tip-off and feedback system
Is your tip-offs and whistleblowing system putting your critical enterprise information in the hands of outsiders? Have you outsourced your critical function of managing tip-offs to outsiders who could let you down? You need a whistleblowing solution for the new era. Get the whistleblowing tool and protect your secrets from outsiders! Don’t allow outsiders access your critical data which you should be the first to know. In 2016, when the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) needed an innovative solution, that overcomes all the challenges of a traditional email, suggestion box, and phone whistleblowing, they came to Summit Consulting Ltd. …
Overcoming home working fatigue: Tips to re-energize your staff and keep productive
Following the lockdown, many people shifted their workstations at home. When the lockdown was lifted, they continued home working. Every change comes with a silver lining. Save time that would otherwise be spent in a traffic jam. And of course, save transport money. Most important, homeworking has helped many people reconnect with their partners and children. You connect and bond, by staying longer together and having many opportunities to share meals, games, and even stories. Some people have found the experience tough. With small home spaces, finding a quiet place at home to place the workstation is a tough call.…
Be trustworthy, credible, and ethical to thrive in your life
You can buy a degree for many skills. But there is no shop for trust, credibility, and ethics. Every leader is constantly on the lookout for people they can trust, who are credible and have high levels of integrity. Can you keep secrets? Can you cover my back and I focus on what is in front of me without worrying about what you are doing behind my back? Can you stand in for me without worrying that you may become greedy? As an adviser to some of the top executives, once in a while, our firm wins a consulting project…
How to join the inner circle: top 3 qualities leaders crave
Every leader has two to five people in their inner circle. In big companies, the number of inner-circle confidants could total up to 10. Same with politicians. Any member in the inner circle is close to power, can influence decisions or deals. In many cases, ‘the official’ wife of the leader has significant influence over the boss, regardless of their level of education. That is the human condition. Followed by the members of the inner circle, like loyal cadres or folks who run the errands on behalf of the leader. Also, the children of the leader have some influence over…
Become a data literate professional
One of the easiest ways to test any auditor’s or consultant’s skills, is to overwhelm them with massive amounts of data. Once I was leading an investigation team in a highly populated African country at a utility company, with over 12m customers. Our firm had been hired to examine the possible mispricing since new connections were increasing without a corresponding increase in revenue. The issue was to examine the possible causes of increasing new customer acquisitions against stagnating revenues, despite the absence of any promotions or discounts. Many times, the client also wants to know who is responsible and how…