Once in a while, you come across statements that make a profound impact on your leadership outlook. Below are some takeaways by some global leaders. “I think it’s important to reason from first principles rather than by analogy. The normal way we conduct our lives is we reason by analogy. [With analogy] we are doing this because it’s like something else that was done, or it is like what other people are doing. [With first principles] you boil things down to the most fundamental truths…and then reason up from there.” —Elon Musk, YouTube video, First Principles What a great insight…
People support what they help create
If you want to learn something new interact with your senior or young children. The innocence of chilling and a worry-free approach to life allows them to try new things and, in the process, make mistakes that act as great learning points. Old folks have seen all and have nothing to worry a lot. They share insights that would take one 10 to 30 years to learn. Always a pleasure to be in such a company. Since March 2020, the children have been at home, and any serious parent had to devise a way to keep them busy. Enter the…
What do consultants do? Part 1.
Consultants do many things – the top of them is documenting the client’s challenges. It is common for prospects to come to the consultant for a solution when what they need is something else. Great consultants, therefore, put more effort into diagnosing the client’s challenges. Today, even traditional healers call themselves consultants. Banks have customer consultants. And big consulting firms to have consultants. So, what is the difference between the consulting Engineer on a multi-billion World Bank project and the village consultant who does his trade in a very small grass-thatched house? Consultants change the condition of their clients for…
The secrets of winning consultants
Project execution is important. But making a sell is the most critical skill when it comes to professional advisory services providers like engineers, lawyers, accountants, doctors to mention but three. True, getting a job is not easy. And for that reason, many people would rather find a government job and chill. It is safer that way. Right? Not always so. Some folks are used to the “driver of my life” slogan that they love it in the private sector. You have to continuously put in your all – 100% daily, to progress. What a better way to live life than…
Decide to be happy
Your life is like a road. It has corners, hills, and bumps, and flat straight stretches. All you need is clarity of the destination. During the journey, you may experience difficulties. A flat tyre. A sudden animal that crosses the road. Roadblocks. Flooded stretch or just serious traffic police who may pull you aside for routine checkup of your compliance with the traffic rules. No one stays on the road! You must do your best to get to your destination, albeit late. The secret, therefore, is on not stopping. To arrive, you must continue moving at whatever cost. Life mirrors…
Exercise, eat well, laugh, and checkup for good health
The common saying in the medical parlance is everyone is mad, but the degree varies. Or everyone has some illness, the severity varies. Anytime you do a full medical checkup, you are likely to find something going the wrong way! If you are reading this blog, and understanding it means your madness level is still at a very low. You are sane but not 100% sane. There is no such thing as 100% sanity. Now if your madness is at 10%, you have 90% sanity. If your madness is at 20%, you have 80% sanity. The insanity starts to show…