It means when you have failed, you must repeat that work or if you have just started it means that you should never give up or quit. You finish whatever you start and aim to be the best. Practice daily means that you must always repeat by reading your notes and books. Be attentive to details and always do work more than the number you have failed. That way, you learn from your experience and things go into your permanent memory. Thank you and just remember that your mind is your greatest weapon. Use it well. Download Qualities-of-winning-children.pdf (20 downloads) | ©…
Rules of winning in your career, intelligent design, and critical thinking
To win you must apply your brains to thinking. Those who find better and cheaper ways of doing things have better chances of winning. Anchor your thinking to good values. Ethical values, like religious values, provide a good foundation for leadership and uprightness. On the other hand, the absence of values is not good. You don’t want a great scientist thinker who lacks morals and values to guide his or her conduct. Imagine a scientist using his or her brainpower to modify human genes with those of animals in a way the outcome is something not human and not animal!…
Pay attention to details: Qualities of winning children Part 7
Pay attention to details i.e. Have nice handwriting. Take care of themselves and their belongings e.g. books and clothes. What they mean by the word pay attention to details means you look after your things. You don’t see rubbish and just continue playing as if it is not there. You stop and collect it and drop it in the rubbish bin or tell your parents or teachers about the rubbish. It means you keep your rooms clean and clothes organized. You have to be organized and have nice handwriting. You avoid small or lazy mistakes like misspellings in your work.…
Lead and guide others: Qualities of winning children Part 6
To lead means to help others to aim higher than you are. To guide means to be helpful and whenever they are lost, you help them to locate the place it means you are a good leader. You don’t just talk. You show people the way. You tell them things they do not know. Good children are not proud. They do not abuse elders and fellow children. They are focused on and help others who need help by asking. When did you last lead and guide someone who is lost or does not know the answer? Thank you and just…
Nowhere to hide: Chapter 2: The issue, Part 3
The investigations contact person is usually the integrity manager, internal auditor, risk manager, head legal or anyone in the organization that is independent of the processes in which the fraud took place. Continued from Part 2. Fraud cases have high reputational risk. For this, I always encourage the CEO to bring all fraud cases to the attention of the board. You want the board to be part of the decision early one so that there are no surprises. Many times, the CEO is the investigations report owner working closely with the audit committee chair. The Group CEO assigned the Internal…
Nowhere to hide: Chapter 2: The issue, Part 2
When you share a bed with someone, you become considerate. I try to move slowly out of bed so that miss Accountability is not affected. Not easy. “The case has already gone to your brains. You need to take it slow”, she says. Good morning Amooti. Continued from Part 1. I say as I proceed to my seven minutes daily routine. At first, I used the first hour of waking up on reading. Now, I dedicate it to indoor cardio. I find the 7minutes exercises, by Perigee handy. Just two ‘circuits’ of any exercise in the morning are fantastic. It…