Procurement Consulting for more value for money

Want to get value for money from your procurement? At Summit Consulting Ltd we help work with your internal procurement team to improve value

Want to get value for money from your procurement? At Summit Consulting Ltd we help work with your internal procurement team to improve value delivery through among others helping in the documentation of requirements.

Table of Contents

  1. Strategic Sourcing, Supply Chain Solutions, and Procurement Consulting Services
Strategic Sourcing, Supply Chain Solutions, and Procurement Consulting Services

Summit Consulting Limited is the leading Procurement Services Provider. We support organizations to address all aspects of their procurement and disposal needs to achieve savings, value and excellent supplier relationships.

The Summit dedicated team with over nineteen years of hands-on experience in making policies and procedures, automating systems, building strategic sourcing techniques and advising government and multilateral agencies on procurement and disposal, will support you to become lean, efficient and attain value for money.

Summit Exclusive Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Consulting Services include:

Procurement Training

Procurement is now the heart of every business. It is estimated that around 80% of the national budget is procurement expenditure. This calls for prudent management of the procurement process to promote efficiency, economy, and value for money. The Procurement Trainer Tool will enable you to build strong procurement policies and procedures, identify and mitigate risks, carry out market analysis, establish reliable sources of supply and benefit from cost savings.

Also Read: Supply Chain: How can I optimize the costs on delivering products to my desired locations countrywide

Procurement Audit and Investigation

The UN 2014 report estimates that around USD 2 trillion is lost annually from the global economy through procurement corruption and fraud. The World Bank estimates that around 8% of the budget in developing countries is lost through procurement bribery. These vices stifle the growth of the company, undermines service delivery and the quality of goods. We will work with Management to create procurement systems that are self-auditing. We will empower all stakeholders in the procurement process to use the “self-auditing tool” to prevent or detect acts of deceit, trickery, dishonesty, and loss of money before they occur. We also carry out procurement investigation to determine the magnitude of loss of money and advise Management on safeguards.

Also Read: World Bank Procurement Reform: New Direction Endorsed

Procurement Contracting Out

Our seasoned supply chain professionals are extremely familiar with the PPDA Act and Regulations and Procurement Guidelines of Multi-Lateral funding agencies. We possess deep knowledge of procuring goods, services, and works of all nature and value. Our procurement veterans have procured and delivered high value and complex projects and assignments. We can procure intricate procurements on your behalf at the best cost possible. We also advise on the critical stages of the procurement process. We will demonstrate to you that a great price does not always lead to top quality services and that top quality services should not come at a high price.

Also Read: World Bank Procurement Reform: New Direction Endorsed

Procurement Automation

We study the nature of your procurement requirements, procedures, approval levels, sources of supply and the relevant laws and thereafter design a custom-made software to meet your procurement needs. We also link up or feed the procurement software to speak to the already existing software in finance, human resource or engineering to enable smooth flow of work and operations. The Summit software will enable you to capture and monitor the procurement plan and the budget, review specifications and the terms of reference, generate reports and analyse spending. Your company will benefit from streamlined processes, reduced transaction costs and lead time. At the conclusion of the assignment, we transfer knowledge to the client to enable them to manage the system on their own.


The-Future-of-Procurement.pdf (183 downloads )
The-changing-role-of-a-procurement-professional-in-the-era-of-VUCA.pdf (233 downloads )

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