The magic dooor

#mindspark Sometime in late 1997 or early ’98, my brother returned to the village from Kampala and told us of a door that opens

#mindspark Sometime in late 1997 or early ’98, my brother returned to the village from Kampala and told us of a door that opens itself for you as you approach.

We were all up in arms. “Those are lies. It is impossible. You mean there is magic in Kampala doors.” We refuted.

Two years later, when I got the opportunity to travel to the city, I asked my brother: “Take me to that door that opens itself for people.” Lo and behold, he took me to the doors that indeed saw me coming and opened for me.

Lesson: Lack of exposure is a bad thing indeed. Travel. Focus on taking any opportunity to learn new things – culture, technology, lifestyle and habits.

Every time I travel to Asia or any other country, I take time to request the hotel management to give me a guided tour of the kitchen or laundry or any backend process. It is always an eye opener to see how such processes are automated.

Unfortunately, of recent such requests are not easy to be granted due to terrorism, COVID-19 and other new developments of high suspicions. But try to ask for a tour of the penthouse or that expensive boat tour. #people #opportunity #technology #culture

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