Global total coronavirus confirmed cases as of today, 31st May 2020, stands at 6,203,405, with 371,853 deaths and 2,765,196 recoveries (Figure 1). That represents a global average of 45% recovery rate against a 6% death rate (Figure 2). The good news is the death rate as of 31st May 2020 reduced to 6% compared to 2nd May 2020 which was 7.1%. This is a welcome development. One of the challenges of #covid19 has been the risk of overwhelming health facilities due to limited health facilities and health workers. On 3rd April 2020, the cases were one million, the death rate…
#COVID19: Using TECHNOLOGY to collaborate – Recommended Tools and Winning Habits
Date: Tuesday, June 2nd 2020, 12pmRegister Here When was the last time you wondered how to eliminate barriers created by time and location against you and your team? Pius Babyesiza, Mr Change Agent To register for the upcoming webinar, click here >> With 42% of Uganda’s population having access to the internet today, going digital is critical for maintaining team cohesion. If you would like to know the TECHNOLOGY TOOLS you can use to virtually collaborate, join our upcoming webinar to discuss the next generation collaboration tools. You will learn: What to do when your team and stakeholders are separated…
Become our MP, an offer from village mates…
It is easy to learn the lessons and gain experience as an active actor and not a passive bystander. This is because talk is cheap. You will hear many people make sweeping comments about politicians and how they add no value. Mr Strategy What is the right time to join politics? Why do some politicians tick while others fail? Is politics about money, ideology, or personality? Why do most people who are not politicians think that they are better than the current political leaders? Disclaimer: this is my idle note, so, it is about questions and few answers. What is politics? Politics is a game that appears…
Why do board meetings fail, part 3
Before you become a board member, you feel a sense of deprivation. A feeling that if you were given the opportunity, things would be better. You would make the organization grow. It is like an aspiring politician wishing to be in parliament to make more insightful and informed legislation and contributions on the floor as if it is that easy. Mr Strategy Many boards operate on political theories- majority rule. The only exception is the veto powers that reside with the Board chairman. However, when the chairman is weak, or they do not understand their powers, they play politics by…
Why do board meetings fail? Here are the top 10 reasons, part 2
You have probably attended a board meeting where decisions reached are not properly summarized for effective follow-up and accountability. And accordingly, no progress is visible. There are boards where the same issues keep coming up for discussion again and again. Sometimes it is a lack of resources allocated to dispose-off the issue. At other times, it is a lack of proper responsibility specified to champion the decision. Download the Free Template Here The 9th reason why board meetings fail is the inability to summarize action points or matters arising from the board meeting. The result is a lack of understanding…
Why do board meetings fail? Here are the top 10 reasons, part 1
When you are not a board member, you ogle at board members as they visit once in a while attend a board meeting with admiration. What you don’t know is that some have not taken deliberate effort to invest in improving their skills and experience to add value to the boards they serve. A board meeting is the number one forum that brings members together to discuss and make decisions, directives, or instructions to guide the business in terms of strategy and risk management. It is where decisions are taken and put on record. However, not all board…