The best of WhatsApp: Raise your son well

#copied RAISING A SON TODAY It’s already past 08:00 am. By your son should be awake participating in the daily chores. He should


It’s already past 08:00 am. By your son should be awake participating in the daily chores. He should be active helping around the house. TV should be off.

Many of you are now en route to work but here’s the thing. Never ever allow to leave home and leave your son in bed. It’s dangerous to you, to him and to the people in the home. You’ll be encouraging the demon of laziness.

If you want your son to be an early riser in his home when he grows, start teaching him that today. Every day when u wake up, cross over to his bedroom and pull off the covers. Draw the curtains to let in the sun rays and remind him that it’s time to rise and shine.

As you prepare to go for work, make it a routine to help you prepare. Assign him something that’s connected to your going to work.

You can make your son clean your shoes ? or iron the dress you’re going to wear. You can make him prepare your hunkies. You can assign him the role of making you fruit salads which you’re carrying to work. The idea here is to make him part of your day. Also, it helps him to appreciate routine.

If you have a car, make it his duty to dust it off before you finish taking breakfast… let him clean the interior, take out the trash, open the bonnet and check water and oil levels. Yes… he can do this as early as 07 yrs. This is not something for the gateman to do. This is something for your son to do because it’s connected to you.

It sends a message of teamwork. As you’re going to hassle for him, let him also contribute and hassle for you in these small bits. That’s how we train responsibility.

If you left your son in bed today and you’re already at work, shame on you!! There’s a high possibility that he’ll wake up at 10 am go for breakfast and then louse around the home doing a lot of nothing. That’s wrong. You’re raising a lazy man.

Make your son part of your morning routine. It’s healthy and it’s not tortured.

Qn: What has your son done for you this morning?

Note: I received this article on my WhatsApp mobile as a forward. I do not write it. And I don’t know the original author/s. The article will teach you a lesson, and that is why I am sharing it. If you share, add this disclaimer.

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