#mindspark There is always someone better. Relax. And move at your own pace. When I got a job at EY as an auditor, then a consultant, I was so excited that I had arrived. Compared to my village mates, and most of my peers in Kampala, I was a success. The sort of the big fish in a small pond reality. Then I got an opportunity to travel to the firm’s regional office in Kenya. I found more younger folks very advanced and sophisticated. At just the age of 25, some were leading teams and consulting projects at global banks…
Nothing happens to you, it happens because of you, part 4
The fourth and final D is to be DELIBERATE about creating impact at the workplace. Are you a freewheeling opportunist or a deliberate planner? I want you to turn to your neighbour and ask: what is your leadership orientation? When you lack a plan for your life, you become a freewheeling opportunist. You wander from place to place without define direction. You cannot achieve great results without deliberate effort. What many of you do not know about me is that I got my first job without having applied for it. You see, many people struggle to land their first job.…
Few big customers or many small ones?
What strategies are you pursuing deliberately? Is your business model built for volume (scale) or niche (premium customers)? You must be specific about your business focus to win in your chosen markets. The starting point is to answer key questions: what is your playing field? Who are your target customers? What products and services will you sell to them and what delivery channels will you use to reach them? And what is your geographical coverage? If your target customer is the mass market, you must be configured to have scalability at the core. It means your infrastructure and technology setup,…
How to Conduct Enterprise Risk Maturity Assessment
The first step in implementing effective risk management (fraud risk and cybersecurity risk) program is context analysis to establish the current state against the best practice or aspiration levels. Which level is our organisation’s risk maturity? What gaps should our risk management agenda close? What will it take to close the gaps? How ready is our organisation for fraud and cyber risk management? Is your risk management agenda progressive? Many risk and anti-fraud professionals just recommend the implementation of fraud risk management programs without readiness assessment and an understanding of the current state. In this TUNA – turbulent, uncertain, novel,…
Nothing happens to you; it happens because of you part 3
The third D is DELIVER and think as the owner of the business. The owner of the business is concerned about the big picture. How to create and sustain value. How to attract and retain top talent. How to finance growth. How to find future leaders to continue the legacy. How to scale? How to anticipate challenges and manage them, etc The owner is always on the lookout for outliers. People who take responsibility as explained in the second D by going the extra mile. Those are the folks passionate about the company and what they do. The owner of…
Nothing happens to you, it happens because of you, part 2, first D
Winners DEPLOY the four magic words subconsciously. “I need help. I was wrong. I am sorry and How may I help you today?” The first D means Deploy the winners magic words. Let us start with “I need help.” These are the three words of high achievers. When you say, “I need help”, you recognise that you work with people. Start by defining the areas of your life that need help. How integrated into your wheel of life? Listing 6 to 8 key areas of your life that are critical to you. Career and skills development Money Health Family and…