The period since March 2020 has not been an easy sail for majority of the people. Surviving before the pandemic was already hard. When the world was put under lockdown, the situation worsened. What started as a joke suddenly became a game-changer. When the Coronavirus was declared a global pandemic, some people did not take it seriously because they had heard that the virus originated from Wuhan China. Before you travel to China, one tends to believe the news they have always received that the country is a copycat capital of the world and that many things from there are…
Achieving success through better choices
Every parent wants their child to win. Below is what to tell your children: Success is an outcome of several small choices at each stage of life, as one grows. When I was young, I had my eyes on joining Munteme Technical School (TECO). In our village, everyone who had graduated from TECO was self-reliant. These are folks who had their own small carpentry business, mechanics shop, masonry outfits. They are the ones who were a reference point for village success. On the other hand, children who went to the opposite hill, Munteme Fatima College (MUFACO), to pursue secondary education,…
To win, change small and change often
If you want to progress, do not follow a person who posts having run 25 kilometres once a week. Follow the one who runs two km daily. Exceptional progress and change management are from small steps that are done consistently, not grand results that are one-off. Winners focus on the principle of small steps make the tremendous transformation. If you are just starting, it is easy to run two kilometres. And once you show up daily, you will soon see progress. However, running 25 km once a week may look fantastic. But not an easy foot to make. The chances…
Best of WhatsApp: Covidex Could Accidentally Champion Dev’t In Uganda
Omongole R Anguria. Listening to Prof. Ogwang Patrick Engeu on the Capital Fm Radio Program, Desert Island, left me nearly in tears. While the COVIDEX story was both sad and exciting at the same time, it didn’t catch much of my attention, maybe because I was fairly an insider as a legal adviser and behind the scenes’ connector ‘with some political heavyweights, giving contacts here and there! However keenly listening to Professor Ogwang this evening, one simple thing caught my attention that hadn’t come to my knowledge despite being somewhat an insider from an outside perspective of some inside workings.…
Develop your mindset and you will see the difference
“always train your will win well” The principles behind any success-oriented training might differ from that of a regular classroom or college degree but in reality, they can be equally utilized for living a life filled with confidence, courage, discipline and strength. Over years, people that have made it in life have been put under rigorous physical and mental training programs that push the limit of the human body and mind. As a result of which stress, pain, trauma, heat, cold and just about any life threatening situation can be survived, endured and overcome. Nobody is born successful, people improve…
Get custom data analytics, business intelligence and modelling
Gain real-time insights into your data, work feverishly to transform the business strategy to adapt and meet the ever-changing market dynamics and customers’ shifting requirements. To sustain growth, as an executive you must focus on ways to improve revenue generation, performance, optimize asset performance and longevity, transform customer operations, and continuously boost operational effectiveness. Big data analytics and business intelligence solutions are the heart of transformation to realize these business imperatives. Utility companies that adopt and apply data analytics to their decision-making are 10 times more likely to outperform their competitors and peer organizations. As busy executives, we help you…