Every day, for the next 20 days, the young man would return and help the old man. Prepare his meals. Do general cleaning, including general body cleaning – a rather tough job. These actions melted the heart of the old man. He offered the young man a paid job. He loved him so much he could not imagine the young boy leaving and disappearing for good. Continued from part 1 >> The young man turned down the offer for payment but accepted to live with the man without pay. “When I leave here, I go to other people’s homes to…
Happy life transformational tools explained tool 2: the wheel of life, part 1.
“We don’t need no education. We do not need any thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teachers leave those kids alone”, those are some of the lyrics from the song titled “Another Brick in The Wall.” An anti-education song composed for departments of education in some countries, to create awareness about the importance of education. The song is powerful because it starts by trying to support the believes some people have about education. Then educations go on to address them. It is one of the best ways to change the behavior and attitude of people towards something. For…
Questions to ask yourself often
I have compiled a list of questions to ponder over in your free time. When you ask the right questions, you get the best answers. Get a piece of paper and a pen and relax as you answer each of the following questions. Be as honest as possible. The questions are intended to help in your reflection as you make those life choices. The questions explore a broad range of topics intended to create self-discovery. Write the first thing that comes to your mind. There are no right or wrong answers since answers to each of these questions vary from…
Power figurative speaking: metaphors are golden!
Figurative speech is associated with high intelligence. If you want to be a great orator, you ought to have a stock of metaphors or figurative speaking capabilities. Studies show that people who use appropriate metaphors in their speech tend to be considered smarter or highly educated. You can use metaphors in your writing or speech. Below find some common associations that help inform figurative speaking or writing, as ably written in the Power of Metaphor, by Mark J. Landau, et al. “weight manipulations influence perceived importance smooth textures promote social coordination hard textures result in greater strictness in social judgment…
Your vision is limited by your exposure, networks, and knowledge
Everyone has experienced life-changing events. Mine happened many years ago, when I failed an interview for admission at Munteme Technical College (TECO), one of the top two leading carpentry, mechanics, and masonry colleges in the Hoima district at the time. That was way back early 1990s when I had just completed primary seven. I was considered too small for rigorous and physical training at TECO. Disappointed, and dejected, I went to my grandfather to deliver the bad news. With my limited exposure, I considered TECO as the only way to success, and missing admission was like being pierced with a…
Uganda Decides 2021: make time to vote
You need to focus on the future because that is where you will spend the rest of your life. That is why every Ugandan must make time and vote on 14th January 2021. There are five reasons to vote: 1. The community and the young people who do not vote, depend on you. Only those who vote to determine the priorities of the government. Every candidate has a manifesto, detailing what they plan to do once elected to office. They have explained how they plan to apply the money collected from taxes. By now, you have looked at each of…