The year was 2007. I was working in one of the big four audit firms. During one of the assignments, we sat down with an IT staff and asked him for an audit log. We did not stop there. We requested for the extract of all transactions to MS Excel. Download the summitBI Data Analytics Tools A few days later, we got the information we had asked for on a thumb drive aka flash disk. We were excited. We then started performing our external audit procedures. However, without data analytics skills, our work was limited to just sorting. Like any…
The ‘manual’ digital banking: the pain of banking with fake banks
Many banks in Uganda are very ridiculous. They proudly announce the digital-first banking agenda but go-ahead to enforce manual processes. To access most services, many bank staff will ask you to ‘visit their nearest bank branch’. It is painful and very unfortunate. This week I have been frustrated by three banks. In part 1, I share my experience with a local bank I will refer to as Bank A. First, some context. Download the Article Here In 2014, I wanted a second visa card to help with my online payments and transactions. Being a cybersecurity professional and researcher, I knew…
The five questions to test the quality of your strategic plan
It is around this time of the year leaders go for a strategic planning retreat. Here are five questions to answer during the planning retreat. Question 1 What is the strategy in your strategic document? Carefully review your old strategy to see if your strategy has been defined simply. If an independent party reads through your strategic plan document, would they be able to understand your ‘strategy’? Insight: Many organizations have a document called the Strategic Plan. However, if you removed their name from the cover of the document, and control changed the same throughout the document, it could easily…
How to stop coronavirus pandemic from gaining momentum
We are now living in coronavirus times. Businesses world over are slowly resuming and re-opening as people and leaders sidestep the statistics and the daily updates. Many major news networks no longer provide ongoing daily updates about the state of the pandemic. Compare the situation today with that around February and March 2020, at the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, everywhere one looked, it was about the coronavirus pandemic. This is no longer the issue and it is a cause for worry. It appears there is reducing the transparency of the intensity of the infections by different countries as the…
Action makes all the difference
“Hope is not a strategy.” Vince Lombardi A story is told of the man who was fond of going early morning to Church to pray for wealth. He made praying to God like an occupation. The first one in the Church, and the last to leave. He would go to Church, from Monday to Sunday. Prayer is not enough without action. And action is useless in the wrong direction. And the action in the right direction is not enough without hope, which comes from prayer. Study carefully the figure below: Which of the two people is likely to win the…
Reliable leadership is all we need
At a certain point in our life, we all have been or can become leaders. In fact, what is not known to many people is that human beings and indeed most mammals are born with hidden leadership qualities. Leadership is an art of motivating a group of people so that they act toward achieving a common goal. When placed in a business setting, leadership means guiding fellow members, workers and colleagues with a set strategy set to meet the organization/company’s needs most especially making a profit and keeping the legacy of the organization. On the other hand, any governance to…