They say politicians speak in terms of outputs and not outcomes. Because outputs are smooth and easy to promise because they rarely transform societies. Output promises fail the “social impact and economic transformation” test. Simply put, manifestos that detail outputs are like a collection of promises in the form of stories. Take an example of the markets that have been constructed by the government across the country. If you travel to any district, you are likely to see a big public market building that is underutilized or unoccupied. Thanks to coronavirus, the local governments have explanations for the emptiness. But…
It is our duty to build a corrupt-free society
What is Corruption? Corruption is operationally defined as the misuse of entrusted power for selfish gain. Corruption can be defined as the deal according to rule and against the rule. Facilitation of payments where a bribe is paid to receive preferentially is not only a bribe but corruption. On the other hand, when a bribe paid to obtain services unfairly; the briber and the recipient are both corrupt. In its real sense, corruption means any abuse of a position of trust in order to gain an undue advantage. Corruption is in one way contagious as it affects society far and…
Are you learning to drive or merely enjoying the ride?
Before I learned how to drive a car, I would admire drivers so much that I would beg to just sit in the co-driver’s seat even in a stationary car! If you have been to Munteme village, you know about Munteme Parish, the center of civilization in the village. The parish owned two fascinating assets– a special utility vehicle (SUV) and a lorry. Circa 1990s, we always looked forward to riding in the lorry. To earn the ride, we offered free labor to load and offload the lorry with whichever it needed to carry – bricks, timber, or sand.…
Seven tips for a new board member to win on any board
Whether you are a new or seasoned board member, the following seven tips will improve your effectiveness and value addition on the board. For more practical insights, buy the book, 7 tools of an effective board member. Know how your value addition will be evaluated Know the appointing authority. And clarity on how your value will be evaluated. Make sure this is well stated in your appointment letter. If you are a lawyer, for example, the value you bring on the table is your legal expertise. During your time on the board, it is expected the company shall avoid entering…
Leading for results at board levels
Want to make an impact on the boards you serve? Insist on quality board papers. Each board paper must cover the following sections at a minimum: What is the decision at hand? What are the present challenges that the board must meet to discuss and find solutions? Make such an issue top on the board’s agenda. The fewer the items on the agenda, the more effective the board meeting. What are the options do we have? Describe each option fully showing the advantages and disadvantages of each option. The board paper packs must focus on complete but succinct insights about…
Getting the sack, it is yours: covid19 idioms
If you love the language of expressions, look Michael Barton’s book, It Is Raining Cats and Dogs, which has illustrated idioms. All illustrations in this article are extracts from the book by Michael Barton. One of such expressions as, “getting the sack. It is yours”. This means losing your job. In these coronavirus pandemic times, this is a handy expression. Instead of telling someone, you have been terminated. Just tell them, come, and get your sack. Instead of the letter, give them the sack! Then you can reply, “you are pulling my leg”, to mean you are joking. More…