Dear Reader, ACFE, Uganda Chapter 2027 strategy is built around three pillars: Proactive membership engagement and management – to leverage the power of together as one. Strong partnerships with the private sector and government, CFE brand visibility through events, training and publishing to optimize the power of strategic partnerships. Sustainable operations (ESG) and good chapter management through transparent reporting, to leverage the power of purpose. Each of the above pillars has clearly stated targets aligned to the balanced scorecard. We will prioritize the use of technology, member mobilization and social networks to promote the CFE to make it the qualification…
Mrs. Winnie Tumuboine Kwesigomwe, A Life Well Lived
The family of Mr George Kwesigomwe of Kabale Ruhunga Buhiimba, Kikuube District with deep sorrow announce the death of their beloved wife, Mrs Winnie Tumuboine Kwesigomwe Which occurred on 24th October 2022 at Le Memorial Hospital Requiem Mass will be on 25th October 2022 at All Saints Town Church Hoima at 1pm, thereafter Vigil at home, Kabale Ruhunga Buhiimba Kikuube District On Wednesday 26th October 2022, there will be a funeral service starting at 11 am. Thereafter, Burial will take place. The late is a big sister to my wife, Mugisa Audrey. At the time of her death, Winnie was…
Tool 82 of 104 is always express your gratitude
#Mindspark with Mr Strategy “This made Jesus say, ‘Were not all ten made clean? The other nine, where are they? It seems that no one has come back to give praise to God, except this foreigner.’” The times we are living are not easy. Each one of you reading this must be thankful for being alive. I am happy that you make time to come to Church to thank God for the blessings of life and livelihood. But do you extend a helping hand to your less fortunate neighbours and or relatives?Each one of us is climbing a hill with…
My meeting with President Museveni
By Prof. Latigo I had just sat a jiffy in my sitting room at home in Apokmitimogo A-C village, Apalepe Ward in Amolatar . It was a hectic day for me in Odiak market gathering cabbage leaves and pineapple peelings for feeding my two-dozen pigs in my sty. There was no maize bran in the whole trading centre and Imat Ocere mills for chicken and pigs. Posho for human feed was for the first time costing 4,200 shillings per kilogram. This year I had not done much farming of maize and rice because of the drought of 2021 which dried…
The kadogo’s and the fall of Munteme village
Boom. Boom. We had a very loud bang. It was way back in 1985. I was a small boy of about 6 years, but the events are vivid in my permanent memory. The NRA rebels were slowly consolidating positions, and about to take over the government. In Munteme village, Hoima district, the guerrillas had taken over the Nyamakeisa valley. Had dug ditches, and set camp. It was a strategic location. The second group has taken over the hilltop. Our village had been tactically taken over by the guerrillas These guys were strategic. They started giving us security. And became helpful…
The magic dooor
#mindspark Sometime in late 1997 or early ’98, my brother returned to the village from Kampala and told us of a door that opens itself for you as you approach. We were all up in arms. “Those are lies. It is impossible. You mean there is magic in Kampala doors.” We refuted. Two years later, when I got the opportunity to travel to the city, I asked my brother: “Take me to that door that opens itself for people.” Lo and behold, he took me to the doors that indeed saw me coming and opened for me. Lesson: Lack of…