Capital hates uncertainty like that caused by a coronavirus. The good news is that COVID-19 is affecting the whole world. First, it was Asia, mainly China, South Korea, and Japan. Then it went to Europe. Italy was at the center of the storm, and slowly the virus spread to Spain, the United Kingdom, and then to Germany. Then it went to the United States of America. And spread out to South America, with Mexico in the frying pan. And now India is feeling this monster that is always hungry for blood. All global leaders were so worried for Africa, due…
The ACT model to help you win amid COVID19 pandemic
To win, I recommend you apply the ACT model of winning behaviors for creative and successful business management during hard times. ACT stands for agile, change and teach others. You must be agile. Change fast. And Teach to empower your team. ACT to tap into opportunities that always come with tough times. Agile Agile is about responding fast to the winds of change. That way you do not wait to see but create organizational fitness by identifying the right resources that will enable it to survive the hard times. Agile is about thinking fast and acting before someone else. If…
What it takes to work at Summit Consulting Ltd
We receive an average of two new applications for positions at Summit Consulting Ltd daily. This is fantastic. However, it has become difficult to reply to every application received, in line with our values and policy. As Consultants and Advisors to some of the top private and public enterprises in the region, we are always on the lookout for great talent to join our Team. Our focus is on national talent. If you would love to work at SCL or recommend someone, take note of the following: At Summit Consulting Ltd, we empower local talent to transform the economy, one…
Three tips to energize yourself in the morning
One simple trick to avoid losing your morning mojo is to keep negative voices and energy away. Block such voices using the following strategies: Read morning inspiration – if you are religious read a Bible, Koran, or any holy book of your choice. Muslim or Christian, feel free to learn from either book. You will be more informed. You could read a motivation book or watch an inspiring TED talk. Doing exercises as a habit for 30 minutes is a great mind booster. Make a list of great routines and do them as a habit. No opening non-work emails…
The wrath of personal assistants
Nothing sucks your energy and kills your morale for the day like receiving a bad phone call in the morning. For this reason, CEOs tend to hire personal assistants (PAs) to work as gatekeepers – receive all incoming visitors, phone calls, emails, etc to first understand their agendas, objectives, or reasons for meeting, before deciding whether to let them through. The best PAs are good at saying NO. That is their KPI. I am sure when the PA of one CEO, meets the PA of another CEO in one of their forums, they are like, “even when the dude is…
Good judgment, the leadership differentiator
“Leaders need many qualities but underlying them all is good judgment. Those with ambition but no judgment run out of money. Those with charisma but no judgment lead their followers in the wrong direction. Those with passion but no judgment hurl themselves down the wrong paths. Those with drive but no judgment get up very early to do the wrong things. Sheer luck and factors beyond your control may determine your eventual success, but good judgment will stack the cards in your favor”, wrote Sir Andrew Likierman of the London Business School in the Harvard Business Review, Jan/Feb 2020 issue.…