Before you become a board member, you feel a sense of deprivation. A feeling that if you were given the opportunity, things would be better. You would make the organization grow. It is like an aspiring politician wishing to be in parliament to make more insightful and informed legislation and contributions on the floor as if it is that easy. Mr Strategy Many boards operate on political theories- majority rule. The only exception is the veto powers that reside with the Board chairman. However, when the chairman is weak, or they do not understand their powers, they play politics by…
Why do board meetings fail? Here are the top 10 reasons, part 2
You have probably attended a board meeting where decisions reached are not properly summarized for effective follow-up and accountability. And accordingly, no progress is visible. There are boards where the same issues keep coming up for discussion again and again. Sometimes it is a lack of resources allocated to dispose-off the issue. At other times, it is a lack of proper responsibility specified to champion the decision. Download the Free Template Here The 9th reason why board meetings fail is the inability to summarize action points or matters arising from the board meeting. The result is a lack of understanding…
Why do board meetings fail? Here are the top 10 reasons, part 1
When you are not a board member, you ogle at board members as they visit once in a while attend a board meeting with admiration. What you don’t know is that some have not taken deliberate effort to invest in improving their skills and experience to add value to the boards they serve. A board meeting is the number one forum that brings members together to discuss and make decisions, directives, or instructions to guide the business in terms of strategy and risk management. It is where decisions are taken and put on record. However, not all board…
To overcome adversity and challenges: look at yourself
No one wants to be in a company of a complainer and folks who are always asking for financial support or downloading problems just after one respond with a hello. People want to pick calls of folks who give them positive energy offer practical insights, and provide growth opportunities. The coronavirus times have changed the way we live. If you are finding it tough to survive, start by looking at yourself. Here is where to look: How are you healthy emotionally and spiritually? Assess you are emotionally healthy in terms of happiness, people in your life, security, and hope. Do…
Sustaining a reading culture is essential
Here is a question that was paused to me by one of my closest friends recently; why are you so much bothered about reading? Although I will try to answer this question and explained why a reading culture should be nurtured and be part of every balanced person’s lifestyle, I still felt my explanations were not exhaustive. The reason for this is that many people even some in this audience are having similar questions while thousands of others do not see the value of reading. As such allow me to use this occasion of the lock-down to share my thoughts…
Key Lessons from the Novel Coronavirus outbreak
I would like to salute all the health care workers and givers on the front line against the coronavirus and appreciate the efforts of the respective governments in an attempt to control the spread of the novel coronavirus. As the world keeps getting more civilized, with trade routes connected all over the world, coupled with contacts with different populations of the people, animals and different ecosystems, pandemics like the novel Coronavirus are likely to become common. It’s important therefore that the governments’ world over, draw lessons from this pandemic and work against such surprises in the future by emphasizing several…