They say, “going fast in the wrong direction is useless.” Equally, being persistent on a wrong cause or target will not get you far. To win, first spend time defining your purpose. Our elders say, “if you are given 10 hours to cut down the tree, spend over 7 hours sharpening the axe.” This old wisdom helps us understand the importance of planning before we do anything. Bruce Lee, one of the leading Martial Artist once said, “He does not fear the man who has practiced 100 different fighting styles for 5 years. He fears the man who has practiced…
What is your motivation fuel?
Occasionally, you stop everything to reflect: what is my purpose? So many things have been happening. The coronavirus epidemic has got all of us thinking. It has affected the poor and the rich, the educated and the illiterate, the young and the old, the celebrities and the nobodies equally. Few people have continued their normal routines without disruption. Now is the time to reflect and think deeply about your life’s purpose. With more than 50,000 people dying due to the covid19 pandemic, life is fragile. Many of these people were living lives that others just dream of. Had great families,…
Joint investments a way to big business!
If you walk around your community especially in big urban centres of Uganda, you will most likely come across an incomplete building that has been there for years. Unoccupied and abandoned yet when you look at the investment at that stage, lots of millions were invested (to buy the land and then construct). Sometimes on a single plot, there will be a couple of such buildings. The obvious reason for such buildings, which are mainly apartments or rentals, is lack of money. The owner either lost a job or didn’t plan properly with the money available when starting. Also, if…
What was your life when growing up? Have you hardened your mind?
If you are reading this, you have never experienced anything like coronavirus. This is your first time to experience a virus of pandemic proportions. Welcome to the world. Our lives have been disrupted. What many people thought they could never do without; coronavirus has taken away. What people thought they could never do; coronavirus has made them do it. For the first time in the history of mankind, anyone with children has had to live with them for more than a week! So what was your life growing up? Who are you? Which schools did you attend? Which games did…
How to speak to influence, not merely inform
It is difficult to become a great leader without mastering the art of communication, specifically public speaking. Leaders become great because they inspire, energize, motivate, and uplift others. The ability to deliver very difficult news to people is one of the great qualities of leaders. We now live in covid19 times. The world needs leaders who can speak with clarity, confidence, and give hope of a brighter future. People want briefings that explain the state of the problem, the projected extent of the problem –showing the base case and worst-case scenarios and plans to address any situation. And above all,…
Have you considered the impact of covid19 on your current strategy?
No company would have planned and considered the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the business. Many leaders finalize their planning and work plans by December of the year – where they review the strategy, scorecard targets, budgets, work plans, and planned outcomes against what was achieved. By December 2020, coronavirus was not yet a big thing. Few companies, if any, could have anticipated and adjusted their strategies and financials accordingly at the time. Now that covid19 has happened, leaders must urgently go back to the drawing table and make updates to their strategy, and work plans or business plans…