How to speak to influence, not merely inform

It is difficult to become a great leader without mastering the art of communication, specifically public speaking. Leaders become great because they inspire, energize,

It is difficult to become a great leader without mastering the art of communication, specifically public speaking. Leaders become great because they inspire, energize, motivate, and uplift others. The ability to deliver very difficult news to people is one of the great qualities of leaders.

We now live in covid19 times.

The world needs leaders who can speak with clarity, confidence, and give hope of a brighter future. People want briefings that explain the state of the problem, the projected extent of the problem –showing the base case and worst-case scenarios and plans to address any situation. And above all, what it would take to resume business as usual. These are insights informed by data, facts, and analysis.

According to Carmine Gallo, the author of Talk Like a TED, the 9-Public Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds, great presentations are:

EMOTIONAL—They touch my heart.
NOVEL—They teach me something new.
MEMORABLE—They present content in ways I’ll never forget.

The above three pretty summarize a great presentation. Great leaders speak to the heart, not just to the brains. They tell emotional stories. So many people have died due to coronavirus. Leaders must highlight these kinds of stories in their public briefings so that the country is rallied to acknowledge the extent of the problem. Many families have lost breadwinners, as well as many frontline workers, have died in the line of duty.  Highlights of stories like these must be told.

Each speech must provide something new. You must demonstrate it is worth listening to you. If you have nothing new to say, do not waste people’s time. People want to learn something new from their speakers/leaders.

You want the talk to be memorable. Find a way of anchoring your message so that your audience or folks listening to you do not forget.

If you want to transform your leadership and speaking skills, visit I share free resources. You will learn a lot from our book forums.

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved.

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