Uganda’s President, Y. K. Museveni is expected to address the nation on 28th April 2020 on the state of the covid19 pandemic in Uganda. Like many other countries, Uganda has been under lockdown since April 1st, 2020. People are all eagerly waiting for the President’s address. We expect the President to announce easing on the lockdown. Many people are suffering from what is being referred to as “lockdown” fatigue – a situation of being tired of staying at home, doing nothing. No work means no income. It has been a tough period. The strategy by many countries was clear: Social… – a thriving portal with a collection of all top book titles…
Do you love reading? If yes, then you probably have a collection of books at home and many digital books on your Amazon Kindle and other popular online commercial publishing platforms. But if you love free things and do not have the ethics to question how free things are made available, you have probably landed on a site that has a collection of more than 78m books. Yes, more than 78 million books in electronic format, PDF. Like its name, is a go-to site to find those hard to get books and enjoy. But is it good to read…
How do you reach a compromise? Have you ever compromised?
Many people want it all to themselves. They do not want to make compromises. Such people may be difficult to deal with because they are “I deserve it all type” with a mentality of entitlement. They see no value in sharing or letting go. It is difficult to make friendships and influence people if you lack the art of compromising. One thing I want to make clear is do not to compromise on your values or principles that are ethical or promote compliance. You should compromise for the interests of the team’s success. We live in a world where people…
How important is persistent when working on a target?
They say, “going fast in the wrong direction is useless.” Equally, being persistent on a wrong cause or target will not get you far. To win, first spend time defining your purpose. Our elders say, “if you are given 10 hours to cut down the tree, spend over 7 hours sharpening the axe.” This old wisdom helps us understand the importance of planning before we do anything. Bruce Lee, one of the leading Martial Artist once said, “He does not fear the man who has practiced 100 different fighting styles for 5 years. He fears the man who has practiced…
What is your motivation fuel?
Occasionally, you stop everything to reflect: what is my purpose? So many things have been happening. The coronavirus epidemic has got all of us thinking. It has affected the poor and the rich, the educated and the illiterate, the young and the old, the celebrities and the nobodies equally. Few people have continued their normal routines without disruption. Now is the time to reflect and think deeply about your life’s purpose. With more than 50,000 people dying due to the covid19 pandemic, life is fragile. Many of these people were living lives that others just dream of. Had great families,…
Joint investments a way to big business!
If you walk around your community especially in big urban centres of Uganda, you will most likely come across an incomplete building that has been there for years. Unoccupied and abandoned yet when you look at the investment at that stage, lots of millions were invested (to buy the land and then construct). Sometimes on a single plot, there will be a couple of such buildings. The obvious reason for such buildings, which are mainly apartments or rentals, is lack of money. The owner either lost a job or didn’t plan properly with the money available when starting. Also, if…